Max Planck Partner Groups (Asia/Southeast Asia, African Countries And Central And Eastern European Countries)

Applications are invited to form Partner Groups, from junior scientists or postdocs, by Max Planck Association. A Partner Group is set up for a duration of five years and provides a high-level and visible framework to the Partner Group Leader aiming at strengthening collaboration, building up a research group as well as international networking.

Applicants should  have obtained their doctorate no longer than seven years ago (medicine: nine years).  Candidates should be scientists of proven excellence at postdoc/young faculty level who have spent minimum 6 to 12 months at an MPI.

Partner Groups are governed by a bilateral agreement between the MPI and the host institution abroad and are funded with an amount of €20,000 annually.

Only Directors of a Max Planck Institute are eligible to nominate a candidate; therefore, as a first step, candidates need to contact a Director of a suitable Max Planck Institute.

Find details the Call and corresponding contacts here.