Publication on “Air quality in India with a particular focus on Delhi, Punjab and Haryana during the crop residue burning period” funded by Max-Planck Partner group grant
Dr Dhanyalekshmi K. Pillai, Assistant Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences, IISER Bhopal and the Head, Max Planck Partner Group (MPI-BGC Germany) has recently published in ACP (Copernicus Publications) investigating air quality in India with a particular focus on Delhi, Punjab and Haryana during the crop residue burning period. The research is completely funded by the Max-Planck Partner group grant.
Web Session on DAAD Funding Opportunities for Cooperation
The DAAD New Delhi is organising a web session for researchers, faculty, academicians and institutional representatives from institutions in India and the region (Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan). The web session will focus on initiating cooperation and cooperation-based funding opportunities. The web session will be held on Thursday, 11 March from 16:00 to 18:00 IST.
Quantum Shuttle to Quantum Processor Made in Germany Launched
The quantum computer race is in full swing. Germany has long been one of the world leaders in basic research. An alliance between Forschungszentrum Jülich and the semiconductor manufacturer Infinion, together with institutes of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (IAF, IPMS) as well as the Leibniz Association (IHP, IKZ), the universities of Regensburg and Konstanz and the quantum startup HQS, now aims to apply the results to industrial production.
Call for Applications
Dorothea Schlözer Postdoctoral Programme for Female Postdocs
The Presidential Board of the Georg-August-University Göttingen – Public Law Foundation – offers support for young academics in the form of 2 positions (TV-L 13, 100%, term of 2 years) for female postdocs.
Launch of Virtual talk Series – ICAS:MP Dialogues
ICAS:MP launched a new series of talks titled ‘ICAS:MP Dialogues’ with a kick-off event including Charles Taylor, Rajeev Bhargava and Hartmut Rosa.
Call for Applications
Post-Doc Position at the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the Georg-August University of Goettingen
The Institute for Theoretical Physics at the Georg-August University of Goettingen invites applications for a Post-doc position (all genders welcome) TV-L E 13 (100 %, 39,8 hrs) in the field of condensed matter theory. The initial appointment starts at September 1st, 2021 and will be for two years and an extension for another year is possible.
Promoting High-quality International Research in Bavaria
The Bavarian-Indian Centre for Business and University Cooperation (BayIND) is happy to announce the launch of a new initiative – ‘Research in Bavaria.’ ‘Research in Bavaria’ is a joint initiative by the Bavarian Universities and the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts. In India, BayIND will be the official representation of this initiative.
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