Paper Presentation & Workshop
Call for papers – Refugees in Global Transit
Max Weber Forum for South Asian Studies, Delhi, along with Queen’s University, Kingston and German Historical Institute Washington invites paper proposals for an international workshop on Refugees in Global Transit Encounters, Knowledge, and Coping Strategies in a Disrupted World, 1930s–50s.
Call for Application
Applications invited for DAAD-GSSP Scholarships & HGGS Membership
The Heidelberg Graduate School for the Humanities and Social Sciences invites application from doctoral candidates with a strong interest in interdisciplinary research for Graduate Membership and DAAD-GSSP Scholarships. Applications relevant to the flagship initiative of Heidelberg University, the Field of Focus 3:”Cultural dynamics in globalized worlds” or Field of Focus 4: “Self-regulation and regulation: individuals and societies” are encouraged.
Special feature
India: Silicon Valley of the future?
India has made quite a stir internationally in the recent months. A successful moon landing, the G20 summit in New Delhi, and becoming the most populous country as well as the rise to the fifth-largest economy in the world demonstrate that India is now playing a significant role not only economically but also in the realm of science policy. But what is the driving force behind this rapid rise?
Feedback survey: DWIH New Delhi
German Centre for Research and Innovation – DWIH New Delhi German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Regional Office New Delhi is currently assessing their portfolio. This assessment will serve as a basis for future activities. Your input, as participant in our events and target group for our information activities, is of importance to us. We would appreciate it if you could fill out the questionnaire provided below:
Call for tender to submit bids
Looking for web products and development agencies for online portal ConnectING
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Regional Office New Delhi is looking for an agency for technical support and development of its online portal- ConnectING.
Special feature
At rocket speed towards a science nation? Reforms and challenges in India’s higher education sector.
August 2023 saw a perfect sensation: India became the fourth country in the world to successfully land on the moon. This scientific triumph, close to the G20 summit in New Delhi, serves as a cornerstone bolstering India’s ambitions to assume a more prominent role in global politics, particularly as a nation at the forefront of science. For the country’s universities, these ambitions present both an opportunity and a challenge.
Applications invited for the relAI PhD program
The Konrad Zuse School of Excellence in Reliable AI (relAI) invites applications for doctoral positions from individual having master’s degree (or equivalent) qualifications in STEM, natural and/or computer science. The doctoral projects should pertain to ‘Reliable AI’ covering aspects such as safety, security, privacy and responsibility.
- DWIH New Delhi
- Topics
- 2024: Artificial Intelligence: Spotlight on People and Society
- 2023: The Resilient Society
- 2022: Sustainable innovations
- 2021: Society in transition – impacts of the pandemic
- 2020: Cities and Climate
- 2019: Artificial Intelligence
- Science-based Start-ups and Entrepreneurship
- Quantum Computing
- 2018: Working Innovatively in a Digital World
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